We pray for Ukraine. May God protects her people; give them great strength to overcome evil! Thank you, Lord! Amen.
Send us your personal or ministry ad for volunteers or any kind of help needed. We'll post it on our "CAN YOU HELP" page for 1 month or more. There is no charge. Send us a short script (we reserve the right to shorten your script if it is too long)and or photo and contact detail. Please note we are not responsible for promoting your ad. Share this site with your family, friends, neighbors, non-profit charity, and churchgoers will benefit more viewers to notice your ad.
Send us your project ad if you're interested to post it on our :Project Page"
We also welcome your feedback to our sermons and ministry. Be sure to give us your contact email.
Thank you for dropping by Share Ministry. May God bless you richly!
All materials on this site are copyrighted 2020-2021 Ken Kwok